Amid these unprecedented times, organizations have largely shifted toward a remote-first approach. L&D teams have been combating obstacle after obstacle to ensure their employees remain engaged and motivated to fulfill the desired business goals and expectations. It is evident that remote working will be the new normal for a long time ahead and will consistently have both positive and negative impacts on learning. In such a scenario, it is imperative for organizations to traverse digital learning journeys by conducting effective online corporate training programs for their diversified workforce.

Why Navigate Digital Learning Journeys?

Can virtual learning leave a positive impact on your business outcomes? Can online learning engage and reskill your workforce even during these uncertain times? Online learning can provide a myriad of benefits when it is well-structured, personalized, and delivered with the support necessary for the intended learners. Some of these benefits include:

Digital learning platforms have now become the go-to solution for all. Today, most organizations are delivering online corporate training programs to cater to the needs of modern learners. Not surprisingly, L&D professionals are adopting scalable virtual training solutions that are crucial for better employee engagement, skill acquisition, performance transformation, and business growth. E-learning works as a scalable approach because you can deliver online courses to a large group of learners more effectively and faster than ever.

Every learner has a different training need, style, and preference. Online training programs make it possible to meet personalized learning goals and needs. These enable learners to choose their custom learning paths and navigate their digital journeys according to their own schedule and convenience. When learners decide how and when to access corporate training materials, they stay more invested in training.

Unlike traditional classroom training, virtual learning does not require you to attend sessions in person. Embracing digital learning journeys enables people to access relevant training material anytime, anywhere, and on any mobile device. E-learning is a cost-effective approach as there are no expenses associated with logistics, travel, or accommodation.

Measuring Business Results with Virtual Training

Organizations design effective learning content, create online journeys, and add the right connections to that journey; but how do they know that business goals are met and learning is successful? Four different levels can help determine whether learning was impactful and yielded the desired outcomes. These include:

1- Reaction
Measuring a learner’s reaction is very important. To gauge learner reactions, create surveys to analyze what is working and what is not. This helps demonstrate how learners engage with different training materials and feel about the overall learning experience.

2- Learning
This level ensures that learners are achieving the desired results through learning. To measure this, you can build scored assessments, capture the number of hits, monitor learner participation, and more to measure the impact of learning.

3- Behavior
This level involves measuring behavior change. Different lagging indicators can help you measure learner performance such as engagement level, supervisor’s feedback on behavioral changes in learners, number of hits on the corporate training software itself, self-assessment of learners during the entire journey, and so on.

4- Results
Gathering results associated with the training program is another essential level to measure training impact on business. These results are not necessarily the ROI of training or data. Rather, you can make your calculations through ‘return on expectations.’ What are the stakeholders’ different expectations? Why are they thinking about their participants investing in such programs?

The Final Thought

Today, digital learning journeys have taken center stage for more corporate training programs irrespective of the type of business. Therefore, delivering an engaging, more personalized, and lasting learning experience has become a significant aspect to unlocking success and measuring business results. To explore the most important components that build a learner’s journey, read the infographic ‘6 Fundamental Components that Build a Learner’s Journey’.

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