Benefits of Product Knowledge Training

Gain the power of digital transformation through effective product training.

Product Knowledge
Training Solutions We Offer

  • Video-based-learningVideo-based Learning
    Short video nuggets suit the learning needs of millennial workforce. We create and deliver engaging video-based learning content which is accessible on hand-held devices, resulting in more engagement and knowledge retention.
  • Gamification-produGamification
    Gamification component is incorporated with product training courses to make learning more engaging and personalized. Including elements like scores, points, badges, and leaderboards make training more impactful. Overall, gamification makes learning more fun, motivating, and effective.
  • Business-SimulationBusiness Scenarios
    We also include simulation-based business scenarios to aid employees learn by doing, helping them perform better in their job roles and foster customer relationships. These real-life scenarios are very interactive and help employees understand how to effectively deal with their customers.
  • MicrolearningMicrolearning
    Microlearning nuggets can utilized to deliver product training that is easy to consume and retain. Delivered on the mobile platform, short and effective learning modules make sure product training can be accessed anytime and anywhere.
Microlearning Solutions We Offer

Client Success

Product Knowledge Training for Sales Efficiency of a Digital Infrastructure Provider

Business ChallengeBusiness Challenge

Business Challenge

Business Challenges

The company wanted to improve the performance of its sales teams and achieve the following goals:

  • Improve employees’ product knowledge.
  • Boost employee confidence.
  • Drive employee engagement and retention.
  • Accelerate employee performance.

Solution Solutions



We created a custom interactive micro-learning series to help employees learn about the organization’s offerings. The following strategies were used:

  • Metaphors and storytelling.
  • Scenario-based learning.
  • Visual aids.
  • Additional reference resources.

Outcome Outcomes



  • Improved employee knowledge and skills.
  • Increased employee confidence in dealing with customers.
  • Improved sales targets and ROI enhancement.