Infopro Learning wins a prestigious training contract to help Bangladesh drastically transform their workforce with its Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) training programs.

Early in February, Zunaid Ahmed Palak, junior minister for Information, Communication and Technology (ICT), stated that Bangladesh aimed to quadruple its earnings from ICT exports to $1 billion by 2019. The export earnings from this sector have grown from $20 million in 2009 to over $250 million.

The ministry plans to achieve the ambitious target over three years, with help from the World Bank to train 30,000 information technology professionals. Going beyond the $1 billion mark, Bangladesh envisions a 5 year plan to reach $5 billion in 2021 with export earnings from the sector and provide a tech export boost to reach the $50 billion mark in 2041.

The World Bank-funded ‘Leveraging ICT for Growth, Employment and Governance Project’ (LICT) of Bangladesh Compute Council (BCC) has appointed Infopro Learning and Ernst & Young to design & deliver ITES foundation skills training to 20,000 graduates.

“We will work closely with all key stakeholders and the ITES industry to design a global standard curriculum and training program that will benefit 20,000 graduates in Bangladesh and make them ready for the emerging ITES job market” said Sriraj Mallick, President of Infopro Learning.
