Blended learning is not only about blending face-to-face classroom sessions with digital media; instead, it is a powerful enabler for reimaging the learning experience delivery. The concept of blended learning in corporate eLearning and training programs has gotten quite much attention lately. This is because of the innumerable benefits blended learning brings to the table. With blended learning, learners can enjoy the best of both worlds, i.e., online and classroom sessions. For instance, a learner can enroll in basic programming lessons in a traditional classroom environment and do online assignments to round out the course content.

The anytime, anywhere learning with direct interaction with peers and instructors is why blended learning methodology is everyone’s favorite. Hybrid learning, mixed learning, integrative learning, and flipped classroom are some of the names that learning and development (L&D) professionals use to refer to blended learning. Here is the infographic to help you understand how L&D leaders can redefine eLearning development with blended learning.


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