As businesses navigate the complex terrain of modern commerce, the sales paradigm is undergoing a fundamental shift – from transactional to consultative. But what does this shift entail, and why must businesses embrace consultative sales strategies?

Did you know? About 1/3 of sellers (31%) have closed deals over $500,000 without meeting the buyer face-to-face. And while three out of every five sellers claim to “always” prioritize the customer, only 24% of purchasers concur. (LinkedIn Global State of Sales Report)

As sales strategies evolve, the shift from transactional to consultative sales marks a transformation in the salesperson’s approach, interaction, focus, and role. By embracing consultative selling methods and leveraging technology, businesses can build stronger customer relationships and drive sustainable growth in today’s digital landscape.

The infographic below delves into the transformative journey from transactional to consultative sales, exploring the pivotal role of technology in forging deeper connections and driving sustainable success in today’s dynamic marketplace.


Discover more insights and strategies for mastering consultative selling in the book REAL Selling‘ by Carol Cohen, Vice President of Learning Strategy and Sales Enablement at Infopro Learning.

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