Emotional intelligence (EI), also known as emotional quotient (EQ), plays a crucial role in effective leadership. A leader’s adeptness for understanding, managing, and influencing emotions in not only themselves, but also in others, has been identified as one of the most significant predictors of workplace success. In fact, highly developed EI enables leaders to foster positive interactions, build meaningful connections, and navigate complex social dynamics, enhancing their overall leadership efficacy.

Is it possible to acquire higher EI through deliberate learning and training? While some individuals may possess innate emotional intelligence, research suggests intentional effort can cultivate EQ skills. With enough motivation and commitment, EI leadership training programs can enhance EQ skills among leaders.


Key Benefits of Leadership Skills Training in 2023 and Beyond

10 Strategies to Develop EQ Through Training

Leaders are not just managers; they are also influencers and motivators. Creating a positive work environment and achieving organizational objectives requires a deeper understanding of and connection with team members.

Here, emotional intelligence becomes indispensable.

As per the World Economic Forum report, EI ranks among the top 10 highly sought-after skills and is projected to remain in high demand until at least 2025. Here are the strategies to be followed to help leaders develop their EQ:

1. Assessment and Feedback to Understand the Current State: Start by assessing leaders’ emotional intelligence levels using scientifically validated assessments such as the Emotional Intelligence Appraisal, the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT), or other reliable tools. Provide leaders with feedback on their EQ strengths and areas for improvement and help them understand the impact of EQ on their leadership effectiveness.

2. Self-Awareness Training to Understand One’s Own Emotions: Self-awareness is the foundation of emotional intelligence. Provide leaders with training and tools to increase their self-awareness, including self-reflection exercises, journaling, and mindfulness practices. Encourage leaders to reflect on their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors and how they impact their leadership style and interactions with others.

3. Empathy and Social Skills Training for More Positive Social Interactions and Relationships: Empathy is a critical component of EQ. Provide leaders with empathy and social skills training, including active listening, perspective-taking, and communication skills. Training programs assist in fostering a comprehensive understanding of the significance of empathy in establishing relationships, effective conflict management, etc.

4. Emotional Regulation and Stress Management Training to Learn to Cope with Difficult Emotions and Stressful Situations: Leaders must learn how to manage their emotions effectively to lead others. Provide training on emotional regulation and stress management strategies, including deep breathing, mindfulness, and cognitive reappraisal techniques. Help leaders identify their triggers, manage stress, and respond to challenging situations with resilience and composure.

5. Leadership Coaching to Identify Strengths and Weaknesses: Provide leaders with individual coaching to support their EQ development. A skilled coach can help leaders identify their emotional strengths and weaknesses, set goals for EQ improvement, and provide ongoing support and accountability. Coaching can also provide leaders with a safe space to explore their emotions, gain insights into their behaviors, and develop strategies to enhance their EQ in real-life leadership situations.

6. Role-Modeling and Mentoring to Foster Professional and Personal Growth: Leaders learn by observing and emulating others. Cultivatea psychologically safe workplace environment by urging leaders to foster the open expression of emotions and ideas among team members and to manage conflicts constructively and effectively.

7. Team Building and Collaboration to Create a Positive Work Environment: EQ is not just about individual skills; it also involves understanding and managing emotions in a team setting. Provide team-building activities that promote collaboration, communication, and empathy among team members. Encourage leaders to create a psychologically secure environment in which team members feel at ease expressing their emotions and ideas and can also manage conflicts constructively.

8. Continuous Learning and Development to Stay Relevant to the Latest Trends: Emotional intelligence is a journey that requires continuous learning and development throughout one’s lifetime. Encourage leaders to engage in ongoing professional development activities focusing on EQ, such as workshops, seminars, webinars, and reading materials on EI. Provide resources and opportunities for leaders to enhance their EQ skills and knowledge.

9. Practice and Feedback to Refine Skills and Knowledge: Like any other skill, EQ requires practice. Encourage leaders to practice their EQ skills in real-life situations and provide them with timely and constructive feedback on their performance. Feedback can help leaders become more self-aware, identify enhancement opportunities, and modify their behaviors and actions.

10. Integration into Leadership Development Programs to Build Competencies of Aspiring Leaders: Organizations should integrate emotional intelligence training into their leadership development programs. Make EQ a core component of leadership training initiatives and ensure that leaders receive regular and consistent opportunities to develop and enhance their EQ skills. This can include workshops, seminars, coaching sessions, and ongoing reinforcement activities to embed EQ principles into the organizational culture.


Emotional Intelligence is important for leaders, and EQ training can significantly contribute to its development. It helps leaders build relationships, make informed decisions, foster employee engagement, and create a positive work environment. Fortunately, EQ can be developed and enhanced through training. The abovementioned strategies can help organizations develop effective emotional intelligence leadership training programs.

At Infopro Learning, we understand the complexities of designing effective emotional intelligence training programs for employees or leaders. We have a dedicated course focusing on emotional intelligence that leverages the EQ-i2.0® Model to help participants use emotional intelligence to become more effective leaders. Curious to learn more? Write to us at info@infoprolearning.com.

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